Periodic orbit of the Lorenz system

In this example, we will prove the existence of a periodic orbit of the Lorenz system

\[\frac{d}{dt} u(t) = f(u(t), \sigma, \rho, \beta) \bydef \begin{pmatrix} \sigma(u_2(t) - u_1(t))\\ u_1(t)(\rho - u_3(t)) - u_2(t)\\ u_1(t) u_2(t) - \beta u_3(t) \end{pmatrix}, \qquad \sigma, \rho, \beta \in \mathbb{R}.\]

The vector field $f$ and its derivative with respect to $u$, denoted $D_u f$, may be implemented as follows:

using RadiiPolynomial

function f!(f, u, σ, ρ, β)
    u₁, u₂, u₃ = eachcomponent(u)
    project!(component(f, 1), σ*(u₂ - u₁))
    project!(component(f, 2), u₁*(ρ - u₃) - u₂)
    project!(component(f, 3), u₁*u₂ - β*u₃)
    return f

function Df!(Df, u, σ, ρ, β)
    u₁, u₂, u₃ = eachcomponent(u)
    project!(component(Df, 1, 1), Multiplication(-σ*one(u₁)))
    project!(component(Df, 1, 2), Multiplication(σ*one(u₂)))
    project!(component(Df, 1, 3), Multiplication(zero(u₃)))
    project!(component(Df, 2, 1), Multiplication(ρ-u₃))
    project!(component(Df, 2, 2), Multiplication(-one(u₂)))
    project!(component(Df, 2, 3), Multiplication(-u₁))
    project!(component(Df, 3, 1), Multiplication(u₂))
    project!(component(Df, 3, 2), Multiplication(u₁))
    project!(component(Df, 3, 3), Multiplication(-β*one(u₃)))
    return Df

Let $\nu > 1$,

\[\ell^1_{\nu, \mathbb{Z}} \bydef \left\{ u \in \mathbb{C}^\mathbb{Z} \, : \, \|u\|_{\ell^1_{\nu, \mathbb{Z}}} \bydef \sum_{k \in \mathbb{Z}} |u_k| \nu^{|k|} \right\}\]

and $* : \ell^1_{\nu, \mathbb{Z}} \times \ell^1_{\nu, \mathbb{Z}} \to \ell^1_{\nu, \mathbb{Z}}$ be the discrete convolution given by

\[u * v \bydef \left\{ \sum_{l \in \mathbb{Z}} u_{k - l} v_l \right\}_{k \in \mathbb{Z}}, \qquad \text{for all } u, v \in \ell^1_{\nu, \mathbb{Z}}.\]

For any sequence $u \in \ell^1_{\nu, \mathbb{Z}}$, the Fourier series $\sum_{k \in \mathbb{Z}} u_k e^{i \omega k t}$, for some frequency $\omega > 0$, defines an analytic $2\pi\omega^{-1}$-periodic function in $C^\omega(\mathbb{R}, \mathbb{C})$; while the discrete convolution $*$ corresponds to the product of Fourier series in sequence space.

The Banach space $\ell^1_{\nu, \mathbb{Z}}$ is a suitable space to represent each component of a periodic solution of the Lorenz system. Indeed, it is a standard result from ODE theory that analytic vector fields yield analytic solutions.[1]

Define the Banach space $X \bydef \mathbb{C} \times (\ell^1_{\nu, \mathbb{Z}})^3$ endowed with the norm $\|x\|_X \bydef |\gamma| + \|u_1\|_{\ell^1_{\nu, \mathbb{Z}}} + \|u_2\|_{\ell^1_{\nu, \mathbb{Z}}} + \|u_3\|_{\ell^1_{\nu, \mathbb{Z}}}$ for all $x = (\gamma, u_1, u_2, u_3) \in X$. It follows that the sequence of coefficients of a $2\pi\gamma$-periodic Fourier series solving the Lorenz equations is a zero of the mapping $F : X \to X$ given by

\[F(x) \bydef \begin{pmatrix} \sum_{j = 1}^3 (\sum_{k = -K}^K (u_j)_k - \xi_j)\eta_j\\ \left\{ \gamma ( f(u, \sigma, \rho, \beta) )_k - i k u_k \right\}_{k \in \mathbb{Z}} \end{pmatrix}, \qquad \text{for all } x = (\gamma, u_1, u_2, u_3) \in \text{domain}(F),\]

where $\xi \in \mathbb{R}^3$ is a chosen approximate position of the periodic orbit at $t = 0$ and $\eta \in \mathbb{R}^3$ the corresponding approximate tangent vector at $\xi$. By means of the phase condition $\sum_{j = 1}^3 (\sum_{k = -n}^n (u_j)_k - \xi_j)\eta_j$, the translation invariance of the periodic orbit is removed.

The mapping $F$ and its Fréchet derivative, denoted $DF$, may be implemented as follows:

function F!(F, x, σ, ρ, β, ξ, η)
    γ, u = x[1], component(x, 2)

    F[1] =
        (component(u, 1)(0) - ξ[1]) * η[1] +
        (component(u, 2)(0) - ξ[2]) * η[2] +
        (component(u, 3)(0) - ξ[3]) * η[3]

    project!(component(F, 2), γ * f!(component(F, 2), u, σ, ρ, β) - differentiate(u))

    return F

function DF!(DF, x, σ, ρ, β, η)
    γ, u = x[1], component(x, 2)

    DF .= 0

    component(component(DF, 1, 2), 1)[1,:] .= η[1]
    component(component(DF, 1, 2), 2)[1,:] .= η[2]
    component(component(DF, 1, 2), 3)[1,:] .= η[3]

    f!(component(DF, 2, 1), u, σ, ρ, β)

    project!(component(DF, 2, 2), γ * Df!(component(DF, 2, 2), u, σ, ρ, β) - Derivative(1))

    return DF

Consider the fixed-point operator $T : X \to X$ defined by

\[T(x) \bydef x - A F(x),\]

where $A : X \to X$ is an injective operator corresponding to an approximation of $DF(\bar{x})^{-1}$ for some numerical zero $\bar{x} = (\bar{\gamma}, \bar{u}_1, \bar{u}_2, \bar{u}_3) \in X$ of $F$.

Given an initial guess, the numerical zero $\bar{x}$ of $F$ may be obtained by Newton's method:

σ, ρ, β = 10.0, 28.0, 8/3

K = 60

x̄ = zeros(ComplexF64, ParameterSpace() × Fourier(K, 1.0)^3)
x̄[1] = 1.5/(2π) # γ, i.e. approximate inverse of the frequency
component(component(x̄, 2), 1)[1:2:5] =
    [-2.9 - 4.3im,
      1.6 - 1.1im,
      0.3 + 0.4im]
component(component(x̄, 2), 2)[1:2:5] =
    [-1.2 - 5.4im,
      3.0 + 0.8im,
     -0.4 + 1.1im]
component(component(x̄, 2), 3)[0:2:4] =
    [ 23,
      3.8 + 4.7im,
     -1.8 + 0.9im]
component(component(x̄, 2), 1)[-5:2:-1] .= conj.(component(component(x̄, 2), 1)[5:-2:1])
component(component(x̄, 2), 2)[-5:2:-1] .= conj.(component(component(x̄, 2), 2)[5:-2:1])
component(component(x̄, 2), 3)[-4:2:0] .= conj.(component(component(x̄, 2), 3)[4:-2:0])

ξ = component(x̄, 2)(0)
η = differentiate(component(x̄, 2))(0)

newton!((F, DF, x) -> (F!(F, x, σ, ρ, β, ξ, η), DF!(DF, x, σ, ρ, β, η)), x̄)

# impose that x̄[1] is real and component(x̄, 2) are the coefficients of a real Fourier series
x̄[1] = real(x̄[1])
for i ∈ 1:3
    component(component(x̄, 2), i)[0] = real(component(component(x̄, 2), i)[0])
    component(component(x̄, 2), i)[-K:-1] .= conj.(component(component(x̄, 2), i)[K:-1:1])
Newton's method: Inf-norm, tol = 1.0e-12, maxiter = 15
      iteration        |F(x)|
          0          3.4596e+00        |DF(x)\F(x)| = 6.7186e-01
          1          4.7032e-02        |DF(x)\F(x)| = 5.5466e-02
          2          4.2960e-04        |DF(x)\F(x)| = 6.8713e-04
          3          6.0558e-08        |DF(x)\F(x)| = 2.3875e-08
          4          2.4625e-13

Let $R > 0$. Since $T \in C^2(X, X)$ we may use the second-order Radii Polynomial Theorem such that we need to estimate $\|T(\bar{x}) - \bar{x}\|_X$, $\|DT(\bar{x})\|_{\mathscr{B}(X, X)}$ and $\sup_{x \in \text{cl}( B_R(\bar{x}) )} \|D^2T(x)\|_{\mathscr{B}(X, \mathscr{B}(X, X))}$.

To this end, consider the truncation operator

\[(\Pi_K u)_k \bydef \begin{cases} u_k, & |k| \le K,\\ 0, & |k| > K, \end{cases} \qquad \text{for all } u \in \ell^1_{\nu, \mathbb{Z}}.\]

Using the same symbol, this projection extends naturally to $(\ell^1_{\nu, \mathbb{Z}})^3$ and $X$ by acting on each component as follows $\Pi_K u \bydef (\Pi_K u_1, \Pi_K u_2, \Pi_K u_3)$, for all $u = (u_1, u_2, u_3) \in (\ell^1_{\nu, \mathbb{Z}})^3$, and $\Pi_K x \bydef (\gamma, \Pi_K u_1, \Pi_K u_2, \Pi_K u_3)$, for all $x = (\gamma, u_1, u_2, u_3) \in X$. For each of the Banach spaces $\ell^1_{\nu, \mathbb{Z}}, (\ell^1_{\nu, \mathbb{Z}})^3, X$, we define the complementary operator $\Pi_{\infty(K)} \bydef I - \Pi_K$.

Thus, denoting $\bar{u} = (\bar{u}_1, \bar{u}_2, \bar{u}_3)$, we have

\[\begin{aligned} \|T(\bar{x}) - \bar{x}\|_X &\le \|\Pi_K A \Pi_K F(\bar{x})\|_X + \frac{\bar{\gamma}}{n+1} \|\Pi_{\infty(K)} f(\bar{u}, \sigma, \rho, \beta)\|_{(\ell^1_{\nu, \mathbb{Z}})^3},\\ \|DT(\bar{x})\|_{\mathscr{B}(X, X)} &\le \|\Pi_K A \Pi_K DF(\bar{x}) \Pi_{2K} - \Pi_K\|_{\mathscr{B}(X, X)} + \frac{1}{n+1} \max\Big( \|\Pi_{\infty(K)} f(\bar{u}, \sigma, \rho, \beta)\|_{(\ell^1_{\nu, \mathbb{Z}})^3},\\ &\qquad \bar{\gamma} \max\left(\sigma + \|\rho-\bar{u}_3\|_{\ell^1_{\nu, \mathbb{Z}}} + \|\bar{u}_2\|_{\ell^1_{\nu, \mathbb{Z}}}, \sigma + 1 + \|\bar{u}_1\|_{\ell^1_{\nu, \mathbb{Z}}}, \|\bar{u}_1\|_{\ell^1_{\nu, \mathbb{Z}}} + \beta\right) \Big),\\ \sup_{x \in \text{cl}( B_R(\bar{x}) )} \|D^2T(x)\|_{\mathscr{B}(X, \mathscr{B}(X, X))} &\le \left(\|\Pi_K A \Pi_K\|_{\mathscr{B}(X, X)} + \frac{1}{n+1}\right) \max\Big( 2 (\bar{\gamma} + R),\\ &\qquad \max\left(\sigma + \|\rho-\bar{u}_3\|_{\ell^1_{\nu, \mathbb{Z}}} + \|\bar{u}_2\|_{\ell^1_{\nu, \mathbb{Z}}} + 2R, \sigma + 1 + \|\bar{u}_1\|_{\ell^1_{\nu, \mathbb{Z}}} + R, \|\bar{u}_1\|_{\ell^1_{\nu, \mathbb{Z}}} + R + \beta\right) \Big). \end{aligned}\]

The computer-assisted proof may be implemented as follows:

ν = interval(1.05)
X_F = ℓ¹(GeometricWeight(ν))
X_F³ = NormedCartesianSpace(X_F, ℓ¹())
X = NormedCartesianSpace((ℓ¹(), X_F³), ℓ¹())
R = 1e-10

σ_interval, ρ_interval, β_interval = interval(10), interval(28), interval(8)/interval(3)

x̄_interval = Sequence(ParameterSpace() × Fourier(K, interval(1))^3, interval.(coefficients(x̄)))
γ̄_interval = real(x̄_interval[1])
ū_interval = component(x̄_interval, 2)

ξ_interval = interval.(ξ)
η_interval = interval.(η)

F_interval = zeros(eltype(x̄_interval), ParameterSpace() × Fourier(2K, interval(1))^3)
F!(F_interval, x̄_interval, σ_interval, ρ_interval, β_interval, ξ_interval, η_interval)

tail_γ̄f_interval = copy(component(F_interval, 2))
for i ∈ 1:3
    component(tail_γ̄f_interval, i)[-K:K] .= interval(0)

DF_interval = zeros(eltype(x̄_interval), space(F_interval), space(x̄_interval))
DF!(DF_interval, x̄_interval, σ_interval, ρ_interval, β_interval, η_interval)

A = interval.(inv(mid.(project(DF_interval, space(x̄_interval), space(x̄_interval)))))
bound_tail_A = inv(interval(K+1))

# computation of the bounds

Y = norm(A * F_interval, X) + bound_tail_A * norm(tail_γ̄f_interval, X_F³)

opnorm_Df = max(σ_interval + norm(ρ_interval-component(ū_interval, 3), X_F) + norm(component(ū_interval, 2), X_F),
                σ_interval + 1 + norm(component(ū_interval, 1), X_F),
                norm(component(ū_interval, 1), X_F) + β_interval)

Z₁ = opnorm(A * DF_interval - UniformScaling(interval(1)), X) +
    bound_tail_A * max(norm(tail_γ̄f_interval / γ̄_interval, X_F³), γ̄_interval * opnorm_Df)

Z₂ = (opnorm(A, X) + bound_tail_A) * max(2 * (γ̄_interval + R),
    max(σ_interval + norm(ρ_interval - component(ū_interval, 3), X_F) + R + norm(component(ū_interval, 2), X_F) + R,
        σ_interval + 1 + norm(component(ū_interval, 1), X_F) + R,
        norm(component(ū_interval, 1), X_F) + R + β_interval))


interval_of_existence(Y, Z₁, Z₂, R)
Interval{Float64}(1.1652731328036316e-11, 1.0e-10, com, NG)

The following animation[2] shows the numerical approximation of the proven periodic orbit (blue line) and the equilibria (red markers).