State of the art

The study of complex dynamical systems requires numerical computations to access the dynamics. While numerical methods provide accurate approximations, they often come at the cost of rounding, discretization errors and the surrender of an a posteriori error bound between the approximation and the exact solution of the original problem.

Computer-assisted proofs aim to validate numerical simulations and derive mathematical theorems, thereby binding computational results with topological, geometric and qualitative methods of nonlinear theory.

RadiiPolynomial.jl is a Julia package to conduct the computational steps of a type of computer-assisted proofs referred to as the radii polynomial approach (see the next section below).

Radii polynomial approach

Given a problem in dynamical systems (e.g. existence of an invariant set, stability analysis, etc.), one approach of computer-assisted proofs consists in representing the desired solution $\tilde{x}$ as an isolated fixed-point in a Banach space $X$. The assistance of the computer is used to verify that the corresponding fixed-point operator $T$ abides by the Banach Fixed-Point Theorem in a vicinity of a numerical approximation $\bar{x}$. Note that a particular case of this procedure is the well-known Newton-Kantorovich Theorem.

We refer to this strategy as the radii polynomial approach since, in practice, we prove the contraction of $T$ in balls whose radii are determined by the roots of a polynomial. For the sake of completeness, we report the fundamental principles in the following theorem.

Let $X$ be a Banach space, $U$ an open subset of $X$, $T \in C^1(U, X)$ an operator, $\bar{x} \in U$ and $R > 0$ such that $\text{cl}( B_R(\bar{x}) ) \subset U$.

  • (First-order) Suppose $Y, Z_1 \ge 0$ satisfy

\[\begin{aligned} \|T(\bar{x}) - \bar{x}\|_X &\le Y,\\ \sup_{x \in \text{cl}( B_R(\bar{x}) )} \|DT(x)\|_{\mathscr{B}(X, X)} &\le Z_1, \end{aligned}\]

and define the radii polynomial by $p(r) \bydef Y + (Z_1 - 1) r$. If there exists a radius $\bar{r} \in [0, R]$ such that $p(\bar{r}) \le 0$ and $Z_1 < 1$, then $T$ has a unique fixed-point $\tilde{x} \in \text{cl}( B_{\bar{r}} (\bar{x}) )$.

  • (Second-order) Suppose $Y, Z_1, Z_2 \ge 0$ satisfy

\[\begin{aligned} \|T(\bar{x}) - \bar{x}\|_X &\le Y,\\ \|DT(\bar{x})\|_{\mathscr{B}(X, X)} &\le Z_1,\\ \|DT(x) - DT(\bar{x})\|_{\mathscr{B}(X, X)} &\le Z_2 \|x - \bar{x}\|_X, \qquad \text{for all } x \in \text{cl}( B_R(\bar{x}) ), \end{aligned}\]

and define the radii polynomial by $p(r) \bydef Y + (Z_1 - 1) r + \frac{Z_2}{2} r^2$. If there exists a radius $\bar{r} \in [0, R]$ such that $p(\bar{r}) \le 0$ and $Z_1 + Z_2 \bar{r} < 1$, then $T$ has a unique fixed-point $\tilde{x} \in \text{cl}( B_{\bar{r}} (\bar{x}) )$.

The set of all possible radii is called the interval of existence. Its minimum gives the sharpest computed a posteriori error bound on $\bar{x}$. On the other hand, its maximum represents the largest computed radius of the ball, centred at $\bar{x}$, within which the solution is unique.

interval_of_existence(Y::Interval, Z₁::Interval, R::Real)

Return an interval of existence $I \subset [0, R]$ such that $Y + (Z_1 - 1) r \le 0$ and $Z_1 < 1$ for all $r \in I$.

interval_of_existence(Y::Interval, Z₁::Interval, Z₂::Interval, R::Real)

Return an interval of existence $I \subset [0, R]$ such that $Y + (Z_1 - 1) r + Z_2 r^2 / 2 \le 0$ and $Z_1 + Z_2 r < 1$ for all $r \in I$.
